Week 2: Day 5
Scripture: Luke 1:46-56
Mary’s Prayer, the Magnificat. Theologian NT Wright calls it “the gospel before the gospel”. It is the spoken celebration of a mother exploding with joy over the birth of her child. It is the song and dance of an Israelite who has only known a lifetime of waiting. It is the words of a woman, who believes body and soul that there is a rescue. It is a song of praise from the lips of someone who has been noticed by the God of the Universe.
In these words Mary sings the song of our deliverance. The song of our rescue. The song that claims we have been noticed. For, this Magnificat is our song as well.
The gospel before the gospel.
The stable is God’s proof that you have been remembered. The Holy has looked on you and he has noticed. He has come and he comes bringing mercies to pile on his people.
His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before him.
Luke 1:50, The Message
You, who feel alone in a crowded room. You, who can barely read the words of this song, and certainly cannot utter them. You, who wonder if anyone notices. You, who feel unsatisfied and underappreciated and unknown. You, who think you have gone too far. You, who are pretending to have it all together. You, who are reading these words…
You have not been forgotten. The king is coming…
My heart is overflowing with praise of my Lord, my soul is full of joy in God my Savior. For, you have noticed me. You, the one who can do all things, has done great things for me—oh, holy is your Name! Your mercy rests on those who follow you. You are the help of Israel, my only help today. You remembered Israel, wandering in the desert for so many years. And you have remembered me, with a mercy that flows in wave after wave. You are the good news that overflows from every crevice and cavern on this earth and in my heart. You have not forgotten me.