Day 5

Jennifer Hawkins


Sprinkled throughout are Visio Divina (“divine seeing”) devotionals, an ancient practice of reflection by the use of visual imagery. In the same way someone can walk into an art museum and have “an experience” looking at a beautiful piece of art, we can trust that God has made us to enjoy and appreciate beauty through various creative expressions. We also have included in these devotionals, unique pieces of art that give us the artist’s interpretation of a moment of Christ’s birth.

Center yourself by taking a deep breath and relaxing your body as best you can. Allow your shoulders to lower away from your ears. Let your arms rest in your lap and let your feet be fully supported by the floor. Feel the weight of your body held by the chair. Spend this time in silence. Open yourself up to God’s voice.

Image Taken from Making Room in Advent by Bette Dickinson.

Copyright © 2022 by Bette Dickinson and InterVarsity Christian